
Ephesians Week 5 - Study Questions

Ephesians 3:14-21

1. In verse 14, Paul says "For this reason I kneel before the Father" -  What is he referring to? (Hint: look at what he has just been talking about in the previous verses).

2. Read verse 16-17a (NIV). Fill in the blanks

Here Paul is praying to God the Father and asking that:

OUT OF: _________________________________________________________________________

GOD WOULD STRENGTHEN YOU WITH: _____________________________________________

THROUGH: _______________________________________________________________________

IN YOUR: ________________________________________________________________________

SO THAT: ________________________________________________________________________

IN YOUR: ________________________________________________________________________

BY: ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Read Philippians 4:19 along with the above verse. If we are "strengthened out of the glorious riches of God by the power of His Holy Spirit", how then are we equipped for every good work that He has chosen for us to walk in from the foundation of the world? In what ways do these verses give you confidence?

4. According to verses 17-19, what are the benefits of being "rooted and grounded" in love? Put in your own words what it means to you to be "rooted and grounded" in love.

5. In verse 18 Paul prays that we may have "strength to comprehend" the HUGE love of Christ. Why would we need strength to comprehend that? (Hint: look at what Paul says in verse 19).

6. Read the prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23 again and then read 3:20-21. Paul says that God is able to to "exceedingly abundantly above" all that we could ask or think according to the power that is at work within us."

a). To you, what does "exceedingly abundantly above" mean? Expound if you wish.

b). Do you see any relationship / correlation between the two prayers?

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