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Yes, we're studying Ephesians!
But first… some
history! Let’s get to know our author: PAUL
The book of
Ephesians (that we WILL dive into on Saturday!) is a letter from Paul to the believers in Ephesus. It was one
of several letters written by Paul to churches that he or his counterparts had
planted. Most of
the New Testament is comprised of letters written to churches planted in the
latter part of the first century AD. It is beneficial for us to read these
letters so that we can see what things The Holy Spirit (through the apostles)
was teaching these new believers. It was beneficial for them in their day and
as we will see – it is beneficial to us today because the Word of God is living
and active in the lives of those who are led by the Spirit of God.
So, before we begin studying the
“Book of Ephesians” - this letter written
by Paul – we need to learn a little bit
about him! Who is he
and why should we care about what he has to say?
First – Paul
is an apostle.
As he
describes himself in this letter (and in nearly every other letter that he
wrote) he was “chosen by the will of
God to be an apostle of the good
news of Jesus”. In his letter to the
Romans, Paul identifies himself as a “servant (or slave) of Christ Jesus”and says that he was “called to be an apostle” and that he
was “set apart for the gospel of God.”
In his letter to the Galatians he goes even further in expounding upon his credentials
and says “This letter is from Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the
Father, who raised him from the dead.“ In his letter to Timothy, he would
use even stronger language in regards
to his calling: “From Paul - an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and
of Christ Jesus our hope.”
So – We see
that Paul identifies himself as an apostle. Just what is an apostle?\The greek
word is ἀπόστολος
It means “a delegate, messenger, one
sent forth with orders.” An apostle is someone who is: sent by someone,
on a mission, with power to accomplish that mission.
Apostles are
those who were delegated with Christ’s authority. They were representatives of
Christ. If we think about it in current terms, the United States sends
“delegates” to the United Nations. When
the delegate speaks, they speak with the permission
of the President who has given them the authority
to represent the positions of the
In Biblical
terms, apostles were those who walked with Jesus and were commissioned by Him
to spread His message. Paul was an exception in that he was not one of the
initially “called” 11. (Judas, of course, is not considered an apostle). Paul,
as we read this week, became an apostle in a very different way but it was by a
direct call from Jesus, nevertheless.
So, if Paul wasn’t one if those initial 11, who was he before he was
called (set apart, chosen, commanded) to be an apostle?
As you saw in
this week’s scripture portion, before his conversion to Christ, Saul was a
Pharisee, and probably a member of the Sanhedrin. The
Sanhedrin was the ancient Jewish court system. The
Sanhedrin dealt with religious and ritualistic Temple matters, criminal matters pertaining
to the secular court, trials of adultery, collecting tithes, preparation and
safekeeping of the Torah Scroll, drawing up the calendar and the solving of
difficulties relating to ritual law. This assembly judged people accused of breaking Jewish laws, but it could
not initiate arrests. There were no attorneys. Instead, the accusing witnesses
would state the offense in the presence of the one being accused and the
accused could call witnesses on his own behalf. In Acts, we saw people laying their coats at the feet
of Saul at the stoning of Stephen. This probably indicates that Saul was in a
position of authority and that by laying their coats at his feet, he was
legally sanctioning their actions as they stoned the first martyr for Jesus.
you're familiar with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John -
you'll remember that Jesus was called before this court assembly – the
Sanhedrin - on the night that He was betrayed by Judas.
This ruling body couldn’t initiate arrests which is why they used
testimony as grounds to arrest Him. They needed two witnesses so they
other false witnesses but none of the testimony agreed. The Jewish
leaders eventually took Jesus to Pontius Pilate with the charge of
blasphemy because of His claims that He
was God’s son - the long awaited Messiah. Pilate didn’t care
about the Jewish laws and blasphemy wasn't a reason to put a man to death.
However, when Jesus Himself told them that He would return on the clouds with
power and great glory (a clear reference to all of the messianic prophecies)
this moved the charge from blasphemy to treason. His claim to be God’s son (and therefore a King) is what they
would cite as reason for demanding He be crucified when they brought Him before
the Roman Governor.
As a member
of this ruling body, Saul was devoted to His concept of God. This man was zealous for the God of Israel and for
the law of God and wanted the special chosen people of God (The Jews) to live
righteous lives according to the law and traditions of Judaism. He was so
zealous about this, in fact, that he wanted to destroy anyone that he saw as trying to “change the traditions and
customs” of Judaism. Little did he know, however, that HE would be used by the Holy Spirit of God as one of the primary driving forces in this major
shift in worship and knowledge of the God of His forefathers - the one true God who would now make Himself
(and His plans that had heretofore been hidden) known to all. Don’t you just
LOVE How God chooses the most unlikely people to be His messengers!
As a devout
Jew, a “Pharisee of Pharisees”, I imagine that Paul would have
been longing for Messiah to appear,
especially in this age of Roman oppression. However, as one who had not yet had
his mind and spirit enlightened to the scriptures that said that Messiah must come
first to suffer (not yet to reign as King), this teaching of
a suffering, crucified and rejected Messiah angered Saul! Now for us - on this
side of the crucifixion - we have the marvelous advantage of being able to read
passages like Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and Zechariah 12 and countless others that clearly reference
the suffering of the anointed one
and through those, we see the undeniable specificity of Jesus’ death. Saul,
however, had not yet had this truth revealed to him. It would be his future
job, however, to share this mystery with the world.
Himself appeared on another road to two disciples - The Road to Emmaus – and went through
scripture after scripture and showed how the law and the prophets foretold of
Him, There are countless passages talk about the Messiah who would be pierced
in the hands a feet, be mocked by those saying “He trusts in God – Let God save
Him!”, that He would have his beard plucked out, His clothes gambled for, that
the stripes he received as a result of being beaten would bring healing, that
he would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver, that when He was
struck, his followers would scatter, that He would not argue when put on trial.
The list goes on and on but Saul and most of the Jews of the time were looking
for a reigning King! That King is
the same Jesus and His coming to reign is prophesied countless more times than
His crucifixion. We can trust that if those prophecies happened with such
specificity, the ones of His reign as King are just as sure! (For list of
prophecies fulfilled at the crucifixion, CLICK HERE).
OK – I got a
little sidetracked there. Sorry!
So – what
was the big deal? Why did he care about what people were saying that Jesus? (So
much so that he would pursue them to make them stop?) Saul was troubled by this
“heretical sect” of Jewish people who were claiming that the long awaited
Messiah – the hope of Israel (the one spoken of by prophets and awaited for
centuries!) - had come to earth (only to be rejected and crucified by the very ones he had been sent to!) They
were teaching that Jesus died at the hands of God’s “chosen people” but not by
their will – It was the will of God that Messiah should suffer. They were
saying that Jesus, and not the temple sacrifices, were what atoned for sin.
Saul, as someone who was involved with temple rituals was very alarmed at this!
And! Not only were they teaching that Jesus had died as THE final Passover
sacrifice but that He has been raised by the power of God and had appeared to
people after His death!
Those who had been with Jesus - Peter, John and
countless other men and women - were going around Jerusalem and Judaea and Samaria and were in
the Jewish temple and synagogues and in their communities claiming that belief
in Jesus as Messiah was the only true way to become recipients of the
covenant promises of God. They were even saying that the Pharisees and the High
Priest himself had been the ones responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion! (See Acts 4:8-12). This infuriated Saul! His whole
life was devoted to upholding the traditions of Judaism and he law. How dare
these people say Messiah (The long awaited “Christ”) had come and now the way
to have fellowship with God and inherit the promises of God was only through
belief in Jesus as God’s Son and promised redeemer. To his ears, this was
blasphemy! (Remember how the council members “plugged their ears” when Stephen was speaking?) And
now, this was what followers of “The Way” were teaching and Saul was NOT
pleased. The same charge of blasphemy was now being leveled against them
because they were claiming that Jesus was the
Messiah – the promised one of Israel and that He had risen from the dead.
So… Saul was
so angry that he got permission from
the authorities in Jerusalem to travel to various places and arrest, punish,
imprison (and in some cases kill)
those who believed this “new” teaching. (See Acts 7:54-8:1). He was put in authority over a
group of men with the blessing of the Sanhedrin to arrest any Hebrew who was saying that Jesus was the Messiah. He was
on a relentless
pursuit for members of this new “sect” called “The Way.” (See John 14:6). He was, in essence, an apostle of the Sanhedrin as per our definition
earlier: a messenger sent on a mission
with the authority and power to carry out that mission. So - What happened? How
is it that Saul- the apostle or messenger of the Sanhedrin, full of authority
and power to carry out this mission of destruction would become Paul – an
apostle called by the will of Jesus to be a missionary of the gospel message to
the whole world?
He met the risen Lord.
While Paul
was on his way to the city of Damascus to round up these blasphemous
heretics (men and women alike!), he
was stopped by the Jesus himself. (CAN. YOU. IMAGINE!?) A blinding light
appeared and Saul was knocked from his horse. Then he heard voice of Jesus
calling him by name, “Saul! Saul! WHY ARE YOU PERSECUTING ME??” and then… Saul was struck blind. This man who had been
spiritually blind and “uncircumcised in his heart” would now be PHYSICALLY
blinded as well.
You know
from your reading what happened next. Jesus instructed him to get up and go
into the city (which he now needed help to do because he was BLIND) and to
await instruction. Can you just sense the horror of this? Let’s put ourselves
in Saul’s sandals for a minute. One minute you’re the BOSS, the leader of this
gang that was bent on rounding up what you saw as enemies of God – and then God
shows up, takes your sight from you and tells you that YOU’RE the enemy! Now
you have to (literally) be led by those who you were in command over and
they’re leading you to the mercy of those whom you were going to arrest! You
have no idea if you’re ever going to see again and you have no idea of the
intentions of this man who has just appeared to you. For three days, Saul was
blind. For three days he sat in stunned amazement as his whole worldview had
come crashing in on him. I imagine he and Jonah had a lot in common, their thoughts
swirling and crashing about them as they pondered what was to come and not
knowing how things would end up. Both, I believe, were taken by surprise by the
love and undeserved mercy of the one who wounded them and then healed them.
And what
about the believers in Damascus? Let’s put ourselves in their place for a
minute. Jesus shows up to you in a vision and tells you that you’re going to
meet this Saul face to face. He’s
coming to your house! This monster who had been violently dragging off men and
women and sanctioning the stoning of believers? He was going to be delivered
into your hands but… you were to lay your hands on him and heal him! (Jesus meant it when he said LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!) Yes,
Jesus tells you. This man is not only going to stop persecuting you, he is now
going to be an apostle and he will testify to the Jews, the Gentiles and Kings!
Talk about a turn of events. By the way, Don’t you love that the street that
Saul was to go to was called “straight.” God certainly does have a plan for
straightening all things out for our good and His glory.As a result
of this meeting with the risen Lord, Paul became one of (if not THE most)
zealous believers in Christ and he travelled all over the Roman Empire to
spread the gospel of Jesus the Christ. He was zealous as ever but his methods
changed from hatefully chasing people who didn’t believe the way he did to
lovingly pursuing all those who were far off from God. That is the power of God
on display!
Paul would
end up travelling extensively – into what we now know as Europe, the Middle
East and Asia - telling Jews and Gentiles
alike about the Messiah and the gospel (good news).
Whoa. Did you get that? Jews and
Gentiles alike?
Yes. Paul,
the Pharisee of Pharisees, a son of the tribe of Benjamin (one of the 12 tribes
of Israel), a man who had SO much pride in his Jewish heritage and his
law-keeping traditions as the means of relationship with God would now be used
by the God of Abraham to burst wide open
the doors to all people who would cling to Jesus as the Messiah. (After all,
the promise to Abraham was that through his seed, ALL
NATIONS would be blessed, wasn’t it?) Paul would now boldly proclaim that the
promises of God were not just for the Jews but also for the Gentiles! They were
now “one new man” and the Gentiles had now been “grafted in” to all of the
promises and covenants given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their
descendants. THIS WAS RADICAL! This was
a mystery that had been hidden for ages and now Paul was given the
responsibility of making it known. Though he was exceedingly joyful over the
wideness of God’s love that had now been extended beyond the chosen race of the
Hebrews, Paul was heartbroken that his fellow Jewish brethren did not (in large
numbers) accept that Jesus was the Messiah and he agonized over this. This
agony would actually give him a heightened fervency in going to the Gentiles
hoping that the Jews would (WILL!) one day be provoked to jealousy seeing that
their promises and covenants have been “given away” so to speak that it would
drive them to faith in Jesus as Messiah and that they would be grafted BACK in
to the family of God. (See Romans 9 – 11).
Paul was
appointed as the apostle to the Gentiles and he was given the huge task of
revealing the mysteries of God to the world. This mystery (that we will read
more about as we study Ephesians) is that through Jesus, all of the promises
that had heretofore been only to God’s Chosen People had now been extended to ALL people. The way in which to
acquire these promises was to trust in the one whom God had sent (His Son,
Jesus) and acknowledge that Jesus, through His death on the cross, had paid the
penalty that God demanded for sin. Paul would use much ink over his lifetime
writing to the churches to reveal the mystery (an eternal truth that was
heretofore unrecognized) of the atoning sacrifice of the blood of Christ and
that Jesus was indeed the “lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
As we prepare our hearts to dig
deep into the richness of the letter to the Ephesians, I pray as the apostle
did that God will “give us spiritual wisdom and
insight so that we might grow in our knowledge of Him. I pray that our hearts
will be flooded with light so that we understand the confident hope that he has
given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious
inheritance. I also pray that we will understand the
incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him!”
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